They Came From: The Eye of the Storm, 2/3
They Came From: The Eye of the Storm, 1/3
Public Access: Lights, Camera, Action, 3/5
Trophy Dark: A Warm and Pleasant Hum 1/1
Livestream for WasabiBurger playing the Trophy Dark incursion “A Warm and Pleasant Hum”. This one got a little gross! And I once again lost an arm… as I always do, whenever I play with Wasabi.
Public Access: The House on Escondido Street
A one shot livestream of Public Access The House on Escondido Street, run for Symphony Entertainment.
Public Access: Lights, Camera, Action, 2/5
Public Access: Lights, Camera, Action, 1/5
Delta Green: O-Cell, Special Delivery: 1/1
Spring 1995 – A member of the Diplomatic Services Specialist, Agent Elliot Winters gets far more than he bargained for by trying to do the right thing. Character and campaign introduction.